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Biographical Profiles and Positions on the Issues

November 2, 2004 Alabama General Election

Candidates for US Congress District 7, Alabama

Steve F. Cameron - R
Artur Davis - D
General Philosophy
Personal and Family
Professional Experience
Political Experience
Religious Affiliation
Accomplishments and Awards
Educational Background
Military Service
Jobs, Economy, Trade, Business, Industry & Agriculture
Crime, Police & Imprisonment
Death Penalty
Hate Crimes Legislation
Health & Medical
Health & Medical Reform
Education & Schools
Private Schools Vouchers and Funding
Prayer & Pledge of Allegiance in Schools
Student Loans, Scholarships and Pell Grants
Sex and Birth Control Education
Education Tax Credits
Abortion, Pro-Life & Genetic Engineering
Abortion(Pro-Choice) v Pro-Life
Roe v. Wade
Partial-birth Abortions
Courts, Laws & Justice
Activist Judges
Death Penalty
Federal Marriage Amendment (FMA)
Civil, Religious, LGBTQ & Human Rights
Roe v. Wade
Same Sex Marriage
Hate Crimes Legislation
Property Rights vs. Civil Rights
Civil Unions & Domestic Partnerships
Homosexuality Choice or Chance
USA Patriot Act
The Military Don't Ask/Don't Tell Policy
Federal Marriage Amendment (FMA)
Hydrogen Cell Fuel Initiative
Immigration, Border Security, Terrorism & Homeland Security
Immigrants, Refugees, & Asylum Seekers
The Wall, Border Security & Border Patrol
Local First Responders
War on Terror
Corporate & Business Taxes
Education Tax Credits
Federal Budget & Fiscal Policy
Presidential Line-item Veto
Sex & Sexuality
Sex and Birth Control Education
Same Sex Marriage
Civil Unions & Domestic Partnerships
Homosexuality Choice or Chance
The Military Don't Ask/Don't Tell Policy
Pardon the interruption, but …
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