For Candidates
Promote Your Candidacy on Vote USA Free-of-Charge
If you would like to promote your candidacy free-of-charge on Vote USA, please provide us with your name, state, and office contest on the form below or send us an email at
We will provide you with your secure sign in credentials to add, edit, or delete any information we are showing about you. The information you will be able to add to Vote USA includes your
picture, bio, website, social media links, reasons, objectives and position on the issues.
Add Our Digital Ads or Logo to Your Campaign Website
To further promote your candidacy, you can download our digital ads or our logo images and link one of them to Vote USA. Or you can link them to your Candidate Comparison Page or Introduction Page on Vote USA.
Click this link to download our digital ads or our logo images.
To obtain your Candidate Comparison Page link:
To obtain your Introduction Page link:
- Enter your postal address or an address in your legislative district in the home page of Vote USA,
- Click the orange election description button like March 5, 2024 California General Election
- On the ballot presented, find the office contest you are running in.
- Find your candidate box.
- Right click the “More information” in your box.
- Copy the address of your Biographical Profile and Positions on the Issues Page presented
Advertise Your Candidacy on Vote USA
We can place banner ads on the page where we compare you with your opponents for your office contest.
The banner ads could be a YouTube video or a digital image.
The cost for the ad depends on the office you are running for.
If you are interested, email us your name, state and office seeking at We will respond with a price quote.
Email Us
Use the form below to email us your name, state and office. Or use it for any questions or requests: