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November 6, 2018 California General Election

Candidates for United States Representative District 40, California

Rodolfo Cortes Barragan - G
Lucille Roybal-Allard - D
Videos by Candidate
Rodolfo Cortes Barragan
Lucille Roybal-Allard
General Philosophy
Personal and Family
Professional Experience
Political Experience
Religious Affiliation
Educational Background
Reasons & Objectives
Why I Am Running for Public Office
Achievements If Elected
Crime, Police & Imprisonment
Crime & Prevention
Human Rights
Domestic Violence
Crimes Against Children
Labor, Wages & Unions
Health & Medical
Health & Medical Reform
Children's Health, Abuse And Neglect (32)
Women's Health & Reproduction
Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Program
Education & Schools
Math and Science in Schools
Environment & Climate Change
Land, Rivers and Lakes
Abortion, Pro-Life & Genetic Engineering
Civil, Religious, LGBTQ & Human Rights
Civil Rights
Human Rights
Values, Religion, Family, Patriotism & Public Service
Marijuana, Illegal Drugs, Alcohol, Cigarettes, Gambling & Prostitution
Illegal Drugs
Drinking Age
Pardon the interruption, but …
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