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Biographical Profiles and Positions on the Issues

November 2, 2004 Michigan General Election

Candidates for 1st District Representative In Congress, Michigan

Don Hooper - R
John W. Loosemore - L
David J. Newland - G
Bart Stupak - D
General Philosophy
Personal and Family
Professional Experience
Civic Involvement
Political Experience
Religious Affiliation
Accomplishments and Awards
Educational Background
Military Service
Endorsments, Voting, Elections, Politics & Government
Government & Democracy
Campaign Spending Limits
Soft-money Political Contributions
Foreign Policy
Foreign Policy
Middle East
America's Image Abroad
Promotion of Democracy Around World
Health & Medical
Health & Medical Reform
Prescription Drugs
Environment & Climate Change
National Forest Roadless Area Conservation Act
Abortion, Pro-Life & Genetic Engineering
Abortion(Pro-Choice) v Pro-Life
Human and Animal Cloning
Stem Cell Research
Child Custody Protection Act
Courts, Laws & Justice
Federal Marriage Amendment (FMA)
Civil, Religious, LGBTQ & Human Rights
Same Sex Marriage
Civil Unions & Domestic Partnerships
Federal Marriage Amendment (FMA)
Renewable Energy & Fossil Fuels
Gas Prices & Gas Taxes
Technology, Internet, Social Media, Science & Space
Research and Development
Media Violence, Sex & Indecency
Marriage Penalty
Military, National Defense & Veterans
GI Bill & Veterans' Benefits
Seniors, Social Security, Medicare, Pensions
Social Security
Sex & Sexuality
Same Sex Marriage
Civil Unions & Domestic Partnerships
Pardon the interruption, but …
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