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Biographical Profiles and Positions on the Issues

November 6, 2018 Oregon General Election

Candidates for Representative In Congress 2nd District, Oregon

Jamie McLeod-Skinner - D
Mark R. Roberts - R
Greg Walden - R
Videos by Candidate
Jamie McLeod-Skinner
Greg Walden
General Philosophy
Personal and Family
Professional Experience
Civic Involvement
Political Experience
Religious Affiliation
Accomplishments and Awards
Educational Background
Military Service
Endorsments, Voting, Elections, Politics & Government
Candidate Endorsements
Health & Medical
Health & Medical Reform
Health and Medical Insurance
Reducing Health Care Costs
Environment & Climate Change
Endangered Species
Land, Rivers and Lakes
National Forests and Healthy Forests Initiative
Marijuana, Illegal Drugs, Alcohol, Cigarettes, Gambling & Prostitution
Illegal Drugs
Metamphetamines and Opioids
Renewable Energy & Fossil Fuels
Military, National Defense & Veterans
Military Families
Military Pay, Medical Care and Benefits
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